IGNOU Bacherol of Science (BSCG) Solved Question Papers
Attention Here, we are going to provide you important question papers. Which will help you to score high. All the questions get selected by the previous year’s question paper. It will save your time and efforts because time is too much important in exam time. You can focus on other topics. All the best for your Exam our good wishes to You to score high.

What are the benefits of solving IGNOU BSCG Previous Year Question Paper?
To much benefits of studying IGNOU last years question papers some of them points are given below:
- Previous Year question paper not only looks in styles, which will help you to score high marks.
- By solving the previous year’s question paper, you will better understand your subject.
- In IGNOU it is important to solve last year’s question papers and understand them.
- Previous year questions paper to help you what type of question comes in the exam.
Botany |
Course Code |
Title |
Download |
BBYCT-131 |
Biodiversity(Microbes, Algae, Fungi, and Aechegoniates)- Laboratory |
BBYCL-132 |
Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi, and Archegoniates) |
BBYCT-131 |
जैव विविधता(माइक्रोब्स, एल्गी , फंजाई और आर्किगोनिएट्स) |
BBYCL-132 |
जैव विविधता(माइक्रोब्स, एल्गी , फंजाई और आर्किगोनिएट्स)- प्रयोगशाला |
BBYCT-133 |
Plant Ecology and Taxonomy |
BBYCT-133 |
पादप परिस्थितिकी एवं वर्मिको |
BBYCL-134 |
पादप परिस्थितिकी एवं वर्मिको प्रयोगशाला |
BBYCL-134 |
Plant Ecology and Taxonomy- Laboratory |
Chemistry |
BCHCT-131 |
Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons |
BCHCL-132 |
Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Laboratory |
BCHCT-133 |
Chemical Energetic, Equilibria, and Functional Organic Chemistry-I |
BCHCL-134 |
Chemistry Lab II: Chemical Energetics, Equilibria and Functional Organic Chemistry-I |
BCHCT-131 |
परमाणु सरंचना ,आबधन, सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन और एलिफेटिक हाइड्रो कार्बन |
BCHCL-132 |
परमाणु सरंचना ,आबधन, सामान्य कार्बनिक रसायन और एलिफेटिक हाइड्रो कार्बन |
BCHCT-133 |
रासायनिक और्जिकी साम्य और अभिलक्षकीय समूह कार्बनिक रसायन |
BCHCL-134 |
रसायन प्रयोगशाला -II, रासायनिक और्जिकी साम्य और अभिलक्षकीय समूह कार्बनिक रसायन -I |
Geography |
BGGCT-131 |
भौतिक भूगोल भाग -1 |
BGGCT-131 |
Physical Geography |
BGGCL-132 |
Human Geography |
Geology |
BGYCT-131 |
Physical and Structural Geology |
BGYCL-132 |
Physical and Structural Geology- Laboratory |
BGYCT-131 |
भौतिक और संरचनात्मक भूविज्ञान |
BGYCL-132 |
भौतिक और संरचनात्मक भूविज्ञान प्रयोगवाला |
BGYCT-133 |
Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic Geology |
BGYCT-133 |
क्रिस्टल विज्ञान खनिज विज्ञान और आर्थिक भू विज्ञान |
Mathematics |
BMTC-131 |
Calculus |
BMTC-132 |
Differential Equations |
BMTC-131 |
कलन |
BMTC-132 |
अवकल समीकरण |
Physics |
BPHCT-131 |
Mechanics |
BPHCL-132 |
Mechanics: Laboratory |
BPHCT-131 |
यांत्रिकी |
BPHCL-132 |
यांत्रिकी:प्रयोग शाला |
BPHCT-133 |
Electricity and Magnetism |
BPHCT-133 |
विद्युत चुम्बकत्व |
BPHCL-134 |
Electricity and Magnetism: Laboratory |
BPHCL-134 |
Zoology |
BZYCT-131 |
Animal Diversity |
BZYCL-132 |
Animal diversity: Laboratory |
BZYCL-132 |
प्राणी-विविधता :प्रयोगशाला |
BZYCL-134 |
Laboratory of Comparative Anatomy and development Biology of Vertebrates |
BZYCT-133 |
Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates |
BZYCT-131 |
प्राणी-विविधता |